Submit Paper Proposals
ACTC papers are short (seminar-essay style, 5 pages, double-spaced), treat one core text for at least ¾-1 page, and develop the conference theme. (Proposals for papers not related to our conference theme are also welcome.) The usual presentation time allotted to each paper is 12-15 minutes. Lively liberal arts discussions are a mark of ACTC conference panels. Thus, papers tend to range over theoretical considerations, particular interpretations, classroom or programmatic practices, and institutional missions—often involving all of these. Panel proposals should bear these characteristics in mind. Scholarly papers (up to 10 pages) may be submitted for publication in our selected proceedings after the conference, but only 5-page papers may be read at the conference.
A PROPOSED PAPER must include the name, institutional affiliation, mailing and email addresses, and phone contact number of the person making the paper proposal. All proposals should include paper title, the core text discussed in the paper, and a one-paragraph abstract.